Sunday, August 26, 2012

Songpan City > FengHuang--ZhangJiaJie--ChengDu--JiuZhaiGou Day 10 - 26th August 2012 > China

Today is our last day in Jiuzhaigou. Tonight we will go back to Chengdu. But before go to the airport, we go to some shopping place.

First, we go to stone government shop. Then we go to tea government shop. Then eat lunch, and visit Mounigou Scenic Area. It is like Jiuzhaigou, but new and still not many tourists know about this area.

 We only took picture at the 1st spot because the path to go further is still been blocked.

Then we visit Songpan City (松潘). It's an ancient city in Sichuan Province. We took picture in the gate.

After eat dinner, wo go to airport and at 23:30 go back to Chengdu.

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