Friday, April 3, 2015

2015 KGSP-Graduate -- Interview from SMU for 1st nomanees

It's today, my interview.

I don't know where should I be to accept the calling. So I just let it be.

I got a call from Sookmyung Women's University but I didn't hear it because I'm still preparing to go to work. Then they call again at 07:21, they wants to remind me about interview which will took in 2 hours.

I go to office at 08:00, and waiting in there. But I feel that it's so noisy because my office is on renovating. So I decided at 08:45 go to KFC while eat breakfast, and also receive the phone call.

Then at 09:04, another call is coming. There's 2 professor that interview me. One of them ask me if I could speak Korean, and I said I can't. Then they said they will interview me using English.

They ask me to introduce myself first.

Then ask me,
- how did I know about sookmyung women's university?
- your precious major is different from HMBA, why I want to study HMBA?
- after finished, what will you do?
- what did I do as travel agent?

Mmm.. It's different from last year. And maybe the signal is not too good, when one of them ask me something, suddenly the phone call was drop off. But they call me again and said that's enough, and ask me if I had questions?

Mmm... I don't know, because it's just the 1st screening. I don't want to ask something before everything is decided. So I just said, that I don't have any questions right now.

Then they said goodbye and said, "hope to see you soon".

Really, this year it's really different interview. I could answer with smoothly, without nervous. I just learn that if you like what you do, then you won't be nervous. I just think the interview as a normal conversations. I didn't think anything about the scholarship. I just think that they ask, and I will answer.

Now I just wait for the notice.


  1. Replies
    1. Hello... This post has already 1 year ago. I passed the interview from University which means I passed 1st selection. But I didn't pass the 2nd selection by NIIED. :)

    2. Link:
